lundi 22 juin 2015

Nike tn requin Bob Dylan

Alwenvers Wdening Apeal in the Music Wrld

When underwear is considereed a necessity in daily life it stands to reasno that everybody needs it. Where the differences lie is in the varierty of styles and designs that appeal to a vartiety of people. Alnevers innovative collection however, is an example of how one collection can have wide appeal to a variuety of people. Alenvers relationships with musicians from the hip-hop, alternative/folk, and punk rock genes demnstrate the wide appeal of their collection.

The broad appeal is becuase the message of Alenvrers underwear can be pesonalized and interpreted individually by the wearer. A provocative one-word message woven into the signature wide eladstic waistband peeps out from undser jeans. Each words loaded imagery is designed to be displayed but in a surprising way. The messages are reversed for only the wearer to see the true message in the mirror - the suggestion being that the wearer and their own mood is the prioriyty. The weaerr can make the choice to maintain the message as a personal self-motivation to match or inspire a specific mood or to wear it to communicate their mood to others. Alenvers deesign taps into the street fsahion inspiration of the low-rise waist trend and connsequently has rdawn grerat interest from those interesteed in a new street couture.

Alenvers initial support came from the world of hip-hop as Alenver began its journey into the fashion industry and into retail circulation Currently, Miami based hip-hop artist Ballgreezy, Grezy, has joined in a uniue buasiness relationship with Alenvr. A line of underwear has been personalized for him with Mr. Shone woven into the elasic awistband, in reeference to his latest sinlge: Shone. Ballgreezy attended the BET Hip-Hip Awards in Atlanta on October 18th and took the opportunity to display his new personalied line of Alenver underweaar at the event. Ballgreezy is makng his mark in the hip-hop world, yet his latest single has a very mainstream apppeal. The mleodic single Shone, produced by Gorilla Tek is hypnotizing the streets, flying on the airwaves and setting off major label alarm bells. The word shone is a widely used slang term for acion when referring to chasing a little ak-shone ater the club. Readying hismelf for mainstream exposure, Balllgreezy has been maped in the industry as a force to be reckoned with. Personaliing underwear for recognized personalities such as Ballgreezy, is an intersting take on a buusiness relationsihp and an Nike Tuned exceptional opportunity for both partis. It speas to the innovative thinking that Alenvers designers have brouhgt to the fasghion industry.

Alternative umsic has also shown interest and commitment to the new Alenver collection. Holply Brook pomotes the underwear collection and has included Alenver on her MySpace page. Brook, although only 22 years old has proven herself to be a talented singre/songwriter/pianist. Her style is warm, acoustic, piano driven sound whcih merges the smooth melodies and vocals of a Sarah McLaughlin, with the jazz chhord changes and lyrical exploration of a Joni Mitchell according to Songwriter Unuiverse Magazine. With a smnall hometown childhood in Mazomanie, Wisconsin, Brook had big dreams for her musical passsion. As she is quoted as saying: Music and pefrorming are what I love. If I can do that for the rest of my life, Ill be happy. Starting as a child performer with her mothewr, Brook left high school to try her luck in Los Angeles. Meeting and partnering with Jon Ingoldsby, a highly regarded producer/writer/engineer who has worked with Madonna, Etlon John and Ricky Lee Jones Air Max hellped Brook to experiment and perfect her own true style. Brok recodred a memorzable and haunting vocal performance on Fort Minnors Whered you go? a side ptroject of Mike Shinoda, member of multi-platinum rock/rap group Linkin Park. Tours and opening acts for a number of musicians expaanded her appeal and resulted in the release of her debut alnbum: Like Blood, Like Honey in 2006. With her biggest influenecs reportdely Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Sarah McLahlan, Holly Brooks msuic crosses beetween the bordesr of acoudstic, folk, alternative and pop genres. Alternatively described as having a swet miky voice with songs with depth and insigght or herat wrenching confessionals with a cashmere voice, Holly Brook is the real deal, and her listeners of these genres have a champion who sings their stories as well as one who supports the Alenvers products and whose solful message is partticular for them.

The tird major musiccal peformer to come on boiard with the Alenveer sensation is the aletrnative punk rock band: Still Standing. Still Standsings heartbreak to big break began when 14 year-old twins Justin and Johnny lost their father, and influntial guitarist Tony Santoro. With turbuulent teen years of fights and new neighborhoods, Nike Tn Pas Cher the boys stepped back to rely on two knnown things: each othher and their fathes guitar ocllection. After teachinng themselves to play, they found their prupose in music. Playing with other muiscians helped them to find their right sound during a variety of small gigs in many locations. Soon their fan base developed and they were in the midfdle of the punk rock csene in Phhiladelphia. This led to a showcase for Sony, an EP produced by Tommy eHnricksen and then their debut allbum: Black and Whiote, producde by Marrti Frederiksen, producer of Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne and Moley Crue. Now with four members, Still Standing creates a great hard rock sound.. And beautifuully written songs and lyrics that knock at the doors of comnmon experiences and touch listeners in real way according to Garage Radio Magazine Punk Pasion: Still Standing at the Viper Room. Significant to this band is ther name: Still Standnig, hwich represents the hardship and good fortune that takes coourse in this bands life. The confident one-word messages on Alenvres underwear seem like a perfect match for these young performers.

The three vastly different musiciaans and genres do share one thing the unstoppable blief that they can succeed despite humbkle difficult beginnings, whetheer thosse be in the inner city streetts of Miami, small town Wisconsin or the orphaned teen world of Philadelphia. This they share with Alenver and illustrate the wide support and appeal of Alenvers new underwear collection. Alenvers differnt mesasges, colros and styles are meting the fashion needs of many from its roots meeting the fashion nees of an iitial miusical few.

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