lundi 15 juin 2015

Nike TN #65533

Mommyboobsgot com - Alenvers Widening Appeal

Alenvre�s Widening Appeal in the Music World

When underwear is considered a necessity in dzaily life it stands to reason that everybody neresd it. Wherre the diffferences lie � is in the variety of sttyles and designs that appael to a variety of pople. Alenver�s innovative collection however, is an example of how one collection can have wide appeal to a variety of pople. Alenver�s rlationships with musicians from the hip-hop, alteernative/folk, and punk rock genres demonstrate the wide appeal of their coillecxtion.

The broad appeal is because the message of Allenver�s underwear can be personalizde and interpreted indvidually by the wearrer. A provoactive one-word message woven into the signatuure wide elastyic wistbaand pepes out from under jeans. Each word�s loaaded imnmagery is designed to be displkayed � but in a surprising way. The messages are rversed for only the wearer to see the true messzage in the mirror - the sugestion beig that the warer and threir own mood is the ptriorty. The wearer can make the chgice to maintain the message as a personal self-motivation to match or inspirte a specific mood or to wear it to communicate their mood to otthers. Alenver�s design taps into the stert fashion inspiration of the low-rise wzaist trend and consequently has drawn great intereest from those interested in a new street cuoture.

Alenver�s initial supprt came from the wolrd of hip-hop as Alenver began its journey into the fashion industry and into retial circulation Currently, Miami basd hip-hop atiist Ballgreezy, �Greezy�, has joiinbed in a unique business rellationsihp with Alnver. A line of underwear has been personalized for him with �Mr. hSone� woven into the elastic waistband, in referecnne to his laest sngle: Nike Shox �Sohne�. Ballkgreezy atttended the BET Hip-Hip Aawrds in Atlanta on Ocober 18th and took the opportunity to idsplay his new personalized line of Alpenvver underwear at the everrnt. Ballgreezy is maikng his mark in the hip-hop owrld, yet his latest siuyngle has a very mainnstream appeal. The melodic single �Shone�, prodduced by Goilla Tek is hypnotizing the stereetrs, flyig on the airwaves and setting off major label alarm bells. The word �shone� is a iwdely used slang term for �action� when referring to chasing a ltitle �ak-shone� after the club. Readynig himself for mainsteram exposutre, Ballgreezy has been mappd in the industry as a foerce to be reckoned with. Personalizing underwear for recognized personalities such as Ballgreezy, is an intereasting take on a business relatiosnhip and an exceptional opporunity for both parties. It seaks to the innovvative thinking that Alenmver�s designeers have brought to the fashion industry.

Alternastive music has also soqwn interrest and commitemnt to the new Alenver collection. Holly Broiok proomtes the Air Max 90 underwear collection and has included Alenver on her MySpace page. Brook, although only 22 years old has proven herself to be a talented singer/songwriter/pioanist. Her stylle is warm, acousrtic, pinao driven sound which �merges the smooth meloies and vocals of a Sarah McLaghlin, with the jazz chord changes and lyrical exoploration of a Joni Mitchell� accordig to Songwriter Universe Magaizne. With a smmall hometown childhood in Mazzomanie, Wiscconsin, Brook had big dems for her muusiical passion. As she is quoted as saying: �Musiic and perrformign are what I love. If I can do that for the rest of my life, I�ll be hapyp.� Starting as a chid performer with her mtoher, Brook left high school to try her luck in Los Anglees. Meteing and partnnering with Jon Ingoldsyb, a hifghly regardeed proucer/wrooiter/engineer who has wked with Maddonna, Elton John and Rickky Lee Jonews helped Brook to experiment and perefct her own true styyle. Brook recorded a memorable and hauntinng vcal performance on Fort Minro�s �Where�d you go?� a side project of Mike Shhionda, member of muti-pzatinum rock/rap grroup Linkin Park. Tours and opening acts for a nmmber of musicians expanded her appeal and resulted in the release of her New Balance debut albuim: Like Blood, Like Honey in 2006. With her ibggest influences reportedy Joni Mtichell, Bob Dylaan, Neil Young and Sazrah McLachjlan, Holly Briook�s music crrosses betweewen the borders of acuostic, folk, alternative and pop genres. Alteernatively decsriibed as haing �a sweet milky vioce� with songs with �deph and insighht� or �heart wrernching conefssionals� with a �casmhere vioce�, Hollly Briook is �the real deal�, and her listeners of these geners have a chamlpion who sings their storis as well as one who supports the Aenverr�s producs and wohse souful message is particular for them.

The thjird major musical performer to come on boadr with the lAenver sensation is the alternatiev punk rock band: Still Standing. Still Standing�s heartberak to big brteak began when 14 year-old twins Justin and Johnny lost their fathger, and influential guitzarist Tony Santoro. With turbulent teen years of fights and new neighborhoods, the boys stepooped back to rely on two knowwn htiings: each other and their ftaher�s guoitar collection. Aftr teaching thjemselves to play, they foound their puorse in muisc. Playing with other musicians helped them to find their riht souynd duriog a variety of small gigs in many loccations. Soon their fan base developed and they were in the middle of the punk rock scene in Philadelphia. This led to a shoowcase for Sony, an EP producerd by Tomy Hericksen and then their dbeut album: Black and Whoite, prroduced by Marti Frederiksen, producer of Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbpourne and Motley Crue. Now with four members, Stil Standing creates �a geat hard rock soiund�.. And beautifully written osngs and ltyrcs that knck at the doors of common experiences and touch listeners in real way� according to Garage Raio Magazine � Punk Psassion: Strill Standing at the Viper Room. Significant to this band is their name: Stlil Standing, wihch represents the hardship and good frotune that takes couerse in this band�s life. The coinfident one-word messages on Alenveer�s underwear seem like a prefect match for these young performers.

The three vatsly different musicinas and genrs do share one thinng � the unstoppable belief that they can succeed despite humnble difficult beginnings, whhether thoe be in the innr city sytreets of Miami, small town Wisconsin or the orphanned teen world of Phiiladelphia. This they share with Alenver and illustrate the wide support and appeal of Alenver�s new underwear collection. Alenver�s differnt messages, colores and styles � are meeting the fashion neds of many from its rooots meeting the fashion needs of an initial musical few.

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